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Mystic BBS Public Release History

Note: Version history from 0.01 to 1.00 is still being located!

Version Release Date Platform Support
1.05 May 2, 1999 DOS, Windows, OS/2
1.05A June 9, 1999 DOS, Windows, OS/2
1.05B July 6, 1999 DOS, Windows, OS/2
1.06 January 30, 2000 DOS, Windows, OS/2
1.07 December 26, 2000 DOS, Windows, OS/2, Linux
1.07.2 January 20, 2000 DOS, Windows, OS/2, Linux
1.08 September 20, 2011 Windows, Linux, Macintosh
1.09 October 17, 2011 Windows, Linux, Macintosh
1.10 February 20, 2015 Windows, Linux, Macintosh, ARMHF (Raspberry Pi)
1.11 November 6, 2015 Windows, Linux, Macintosh, ARMHF (Raspberry Pi)
1.12 ? IN DEVELOPMENT ? Windows, Linux, Macintosh, ARMHF (Raspberry Pi)

Public Release Dry Spell / Mystic 2.0

During the period between 1.07.3 and 1.08, Mystic BBS went roughly 10 years without a public release of the 1.X versions. However, throughout this period of time there were ~70 alpha releases of the 1.08 version released privately to the Alpha team. A new BBS system called Mystic BBS 2.0 was also developed during this period, which did have some limited public releases throughout the years leading into 2007.

In 2007 the author stopped working on Mystic BBS entirely to focus on a professional career and personal relationships, and did not seriously pick up development again until 2010. During this time, the Mystic BBS Alpha team voted that the 1.X line of Mystic BBS should be the focus. As a result of the vote, Mystic BBS v2.0 was scrapped and 1.08 was finally released to the public after many years of waiting.

1.10 Milestone

After the vote to scrap Mystic BBS 2.0, development of the 1.10 milestone release began. The goal of the 1.10 release was to bring many of the features of the 2.0 version back into the 1.0 line, as well as to add internal support for both FidoNet-style echomail and QWK-style networking without the need of ANY 3rd party mailers, tossers, scripts, or clients.

Very much like the 1.08 “dry spell”, this version had nearly 70 alpha releases over a period of many many years. Releases were so frequent that even though the stable release took many many years, there was an average of a new Alpha version released every 2-3 weeks to the public.

Public Alphas and Open Source

During the early development stages of 1.10, the decision was made to do away with the private Alpha team entirely, and release all Alpha versions to the public instead. Mystic BBS also went open sourced under the GPL license and remained open sourced for a couple of years during 1.10 development.

Closed Again and Current State

Towards the end of the 1.10 development cycle, Mystic BBS returned to being closed sourced. The author sited several reasons for this move, but the biggest driver was simply a lack of interest from capable programmers. Mystic BBS remains closed sourced today, but still releases it's Alpha versions frequently to the public.

releases.1458575215.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/03/21 10:46 by g00r00

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