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The Mystic Ecosystem

There are several executable programs that comprise the Mystic BBS ecosystem. This page provides a brief overview of each and explains how they interact with each other.


MYSTIC is the heart of Mystic BBS. Incoming Telnet callers connect to this to executable via MIS. If no command line option is supplied, Mystic will attempt to start up locally so that you may log into the BBS, automatically selecting the first available node for you.

In addition to no command line, the following options can be used:

MYSTIC -CFG    This tells Mystic to start in local configuration mode.

MYSTIC -HOST$  This specifies the user's hostname which should be passed
               into Mystic by the telnet server.  Ex:

MYSTIC -IP$    This specifies the user's IP address which should be passed
               into Mystic by the telnet server.  Ex: -IP125.132.54.741
MYSTIC -N#     This specifies a specific node number.  There is usually
               no reason to use this, as Mystic will automatically select
               an available node.  Ex: -N1 tells Mystic to start node 1.
MYSTIC -T#     This specifies the number of minutes the user will be
               permitted to use this session.  Ex: -T60 limits the user
               to only an hour even if they have many hours of time left

MYSTIC -TID#   This specifies the socket handle when using Mystic with a
               third party telnet server under Windows

MYSTIC -U$     This specifies the username to login to Mystic with and must
               be used along side the -P command to supply the password.  If
               a user name has a space in it, the spaces should be replaced
               by an underscore.  For example:
               mystic -uJoe_User -pMYPASSWORD

               The above example will automatically attempt to login as the
               Joe User.

MYSTIC -X$     This specifies a MPL program to execute and then exit Mystic
               afterwards.  The -U and -P must also be supplied with this
               in order to tell Mystic which user to run the MPL program as

               mystic -uJoe_User -pMYPASSWORD -xusage
               The above will execute usage.mpx from the scripts directory
               after logging in as Joe User, and then exit the BBS after

MIS - Mystic Internet Server

The Mystic Internet Server (MIS) is an application which acts as a server for various internet protocols. It can support one or all of the following:

Telnet, POP3, SMTP, FTP, NNTP, BINKP, Events

Note that the POP3, SMTP servers are used for Mystic BBS internal 'Email' only at this time. The Events system is used by Mystic to call other programs based on time of day or as semaphores are created that trigger events such as importing echomail and/or netmail.

MIS is something you will want to keep running 24/7.

MIS needs to exist in the same folder as MYSTIC.EXE and MYSTIC.DAT files in order to work. It optionally will check for the “mysticbbs” environment variable if it exists to find the directory where MYSTIC.DAT resides.

The options for MIS can be found in the Servers menu within the Mystic BBS Configuration System by running the following command:


You can enable/disable different server types, change their listening ports, and some other options.

Keep in mind that Linux will require a root user by default to bind to server ports less than 1024, so if you enable your telnet server and cannot connect, try a port higher than 1024 to make sure it is working.

Setting up a telnet BBS is as simple as loading MIS and telnetting in! :)

MUTIL - Mystic Utilities

Mystic Utilities, otherwise known as MUTIL is an automated maintenance and utility program that is controlled by .ini configuration file(s).

Think of MUTIL as the Swiss Army Knife utility program for Mystic BBS. It can be tasked with running multiple functions at once or be configured in a far more granular fashion to do one task at a time when called.

More details can be found in the MUTIL section of this wiki.


This program sends and receives echomail and netmail packets tor configured EchoMail Nodes. It uses one of three configured options to do so - BINKP, FTP, or Directory-based transmission.

Optional switches for FIDOPOLL are:

FIDOPOLL LIST          - List configured Echomail nodes
FIDOPOLL ROUTE         - Show netmail route information
FIDOPOLL SEND          - Only send/poll if node has new outbound messages
FIDOPOLL FORCED [type] - Poll/send to all nodes of session [type] (blank/all)
FIDOPOLL [Address]     - Poll/send echomail node [Address] (ex: 21:1/100)

EchoMail nodes are configured in the


QWKPOLL automatically deals with QWK and REP packets during polling.

The export and import functions are not needed, and only provided for systems that may want to use an alternative transport method.

                [Qwk Network Index]

                [EXPORT] [Index/ALL] [PATH TO CREATE REP]
                [IMPORT] [Index/ALL] [PATH OF QWK PACKET]

Ex: QWKPOLL ALL                    - Exchange with ALL QWK hubs via FTP
    QWKPOLL 1                      - Exchange with only Qwk Network #1
    QWKPOLL 1 EXPORT /bbs/qwknet   - Create REP packet in /bbs/qwknet
    QWKPOLL ALL IMPORT /bbs/qwknet - Import QWK packets from /bbs/qwknet

MBBSUITL - Mystic BBS Utilities

Mystic BBS Utilities is a depreciating set of utilities that are slowly being absorbed in to MUTIL.

In recent times the command line options for this program have started to be removed and now appear as stanzas in .ini configuration file(s) used by MUTIL.

At present the following options are available:

Usage: MBBSUTIL <Options>

The following command line options are available:

-AREASOUT <File>        Export AREAS.BBS format file in <File>
-BKILL    <ID> <Days>   Delete BBSes which haven't been verified in <DAYS>
-BPACK                  Pack all BBS lists
-BSORT    <ID> <Type>   Sorts and packs BBS list by <type>
-FIXINDEX               Fix wrong perm index for user/msg/file bases
-FSORT                  Sort file base entries by filename
-MTRASH   <File>        Delete messages to/from users listed in <File>
-NOCHECK                Bypass online user check at startup
-UKILL    <Days>        Delete users who have not called in <DAYS>


Placeholder text

MIDE - Mystic Integrated Development Environment

Mystic Integrated Development Environment or MIDE is a development tool that aids budding coders in building scripts using Mystic Programming Language (MPL).

You will find this tool in the /mystic/scripts directory. Run it using the following command.


MPLC - Mystic BBS Programming Language Compiler

The Mystic BBS Programming Language Compiler allows sysops to compile their own scripts written in Mystic Programming Language (MPL).

Scripts are written with a .mps extension. Check out the /mystic/scripts directory for examples.

Available options to use this program are:

MPLC [filename]  Compile a MPL script e.g. MPLC mpldemo.mps
MPLC -ALL        Compile all scripts found
introduction.1463890449.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/21 23:14 by avon

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