New User Settings 2
This section of the Mystic BBS Configuration System allows the SysOp to configure the second of several sections of settings that apply to new users when registering to join the BBS. Here you can decide if you want to ask new users a variety of questions.
Ask Theme
If this is set to true Mystic BBS will prompt the user to select a theme after the graphics are detected upon each connection.
Ask Real Name
If this option is set to Yes, Mystic BBS will ask new users for their real name. Mystic uses prompt #6 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Ask Alias
If this option is set to Yes, Mystic BBS will ask new users for an Alias. Mystic uses prompt #9 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Ask Street
If this option is set to Yes, Mystic BBS will ask new users for their street address. Mystic uses prompt #10 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Ask City/State
If this option is set to Yes, Mystic BBS will ask new users for their City and State. Mystic uses prompt #11 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Ask ZipCode
If this option is set to Yes, Mystic BBS will ask new users for their Zip code. Mystic uses prompt #12 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Ask Home Phone
If this option is set to Yes, Mystic BBS will ask new users for their home phone number. Mystic uses prompt #13 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Ask Cell Phone
If this option is set to Yes, Mystic BBS will ask new users for their cell phone number. Note the current prompt that ships with the default install asks the user for their 'data' number. You can change this :) Mystic uses prompt #14 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Ask Birthdate
If this option is set to Yes, Mystic BBS will ask new users for their date of birth. Mystic uses prompt #15 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Ask Gender
If this option is set to Yes, Mystic BBS will ask new users for their gender. Mystic uses prompt #16 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Ask UserNote
If this option is set to Yes, Mystic BBS will allow users to enter a note that will sit with their user record. It might be they want to state their affiliation to an ANSI art group etc. Mystic uses prompt #441 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Ask Screensize
If this option is set to Yes, Mystic BBS will ask new users for their screen length before a pause prompt is sent. The default is 24 lines. Mystic uses prompt #153 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Ask Email
If this option is set to Yes, Mystic BBS will ask new users for their email address. Mystic uses prompt #439 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Date Type
This option sets the date format which will be used for each user. Valid options are MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY, YY/DD/MM, or Ask. If this option is set to Ask, Mystic BBS will ask each new user which date format they would like to use.
Hot Keys
If this option is set to Yes, Mystic BBS will enable hot key input for new users. Valid options are No, Yes or Ask. Mystic uses prompt #409 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
This option sets the default file transfer protocol that a user will use when downloading files from Mystic BBS. Valid options are No, Yes or Ask. If set to Ask the user can choose from a list of available protocols as defined in the Mystic BBS Protocol Editor. Mystic uses prompts #61 and #62 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Node Chat
If this option is set to Ask, Mystic BBS will ask new users if they wish to use full screen for node chat. Mystic uses prompt #187 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
File List
If this option is set to Ask, Mystic BBS will ask new users to select a file list type. The choices are Normal (view file lists page by page) or Lightbar (scroll through lists with arrow keys). Valid options are Ask, Normal or ANSI. Mystic uses prompt #320 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Message Reader
If this option is set to Ask, Mystic BBS will ask new users to select a message list type. The choices are Normal (view messages page by page) or Lightbar (scroll message lists with arrow keys). Valid options are Ask, Normal or ANSI. Mystic uses prompt #398 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Read at Index
This option determines if the user starts reading messages at the message index, or directly to the messages themselves. Valid options are No, Yes or Ask. When this option is set to Yes, the user will start at the message index before actually reading any messages. Mystic uses prompt #429 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Email at Index
This option determines if the user starts reading e-mail at the email message index, or directly to the e-mail messages themselves. Valid options are No, Yes or Ask. When this option is set to yes, the user will start e-mail at the e-mail index before actually reading any BBS emails. Remember BBS email is internal BBS only messages sent between users. Don't confuse it with Internet email. Mystic uses prompt #331 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Message Editor
If this option is set to Ask, Mystic BBS will ask new users to choose what type of message editor they wish to compose messages with. Options are Full Screen Editor, Line Editor or to Ask each time a message is about to be composed. Valid options are Ask, Line or Full. Mystic uses prompt #303 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
Quote Mode
If this option is set to Ask, Mystic BBS will ask new users to choose if they wish to use the full screen editor when quoting messages they are replying to. Valid options are Ask, Line or Window. Mystic uses prompt #60 in default.txt to display the text for this question.
This option sets the default Tagline setting for new user accounts. Existing users can change these settings in the full screen editor. The following options are available:
On | Prompt user to select Tagline when saving a message |
Off | Do not use Tagline system |
Global | Auto apply a Tagline from the Global tagline database |
Personal | Auto apply a Tagline for the user's Personal tagline database |