The '[Import_FIDONET.NA]' stanza tasks MUTIL with running a function that will bulk auto create a number of message bases in Mystic for you.
MUTIL looks to a specially formatted text file that you specify. It's formatted with echoarea tag and a description of the message base. Mystic then will create the message bases contained in this file en-mass and quickly!
Here's an snippet from a .NA file set up for Fidonet echoareas
MOVIES Movies & TV Discussion MUFFIN Maximus BBS Discussion And Support. MYSTIC Discussion and chat about the Mystic BBS software NET_DEV Fidonet Network Development NFL National Football League scores, discussion, etc. NHL The National Hockey League Discussion Echo
To enable this function you modify the '[general]' stanza as follows:
[general] Import_FIDONET.NA = true
There a several switches you can configure that relate to this function.
The filename to read when running the import process.
; filename to import filename =
Should Mystic convert echoarea tags to lowercase?
; convert tags to lower case for message base filename 1=yes lowercase_filename = 1
The following options define the “default” values used when creating any new message bases. netaddress must match an exiting network address configured within Mystic BBS. default values are also taken from the system configuration for origin line, colors, etc.
In the example below we want newly created fsxNet message bases to have the address 21:1/123 (a node number you have been allocated), level 10 security and group 1 membership to see the message base and read it's content, level 20 security and group 1 membership to post to it etc.
; the network address to associate with the message base netaddress = 21:1/123 ; ACS to see the message base acs_list = s10g1 ; ACS to read messages in the message base acs_read = s10g1 ; ACS to post a message in the message base acs_post = s20g1 ; ACS to use the message base with sysop access acs_sysop = s255g1 ; Display header to use in message base header = msghead ; Display template to use in message base read_template = ansimrd ; Index template to use in message base index_template = ansimlst ; maximum messages to retain max_msgs = 500 ; maximum number of days to hold messages max_msgs_age = 365
; true/false type values 0=false 1=true (newscan 2=forced) ; allow auto signatures in this base? use_autosig = 1 ; use real names in this base? use_realname = 0 ; kill kludge lines in this base? kill_kludge = 1 ; base is part of new messages scan? new_scan = 1 ; base is part of new messages scan for QWK network? qwk_scan = 1 ; define message base format 0 = JAM base_format = 0