This section of the Wiki details the first basic steps you need to undertake to get Mystic BBS running on your system of choice.
Mystic is available on just about every popular platform available today, and requires a very small amount of system resources to run. This section outlines any known minimum requirements for running different versions of Mystic BBS.
It's highly likely your hardware will run Mystic :)
Head to to download a copy of the latest Mystic BBS software for your preferred operating system. If you are running an earlier version of Mystic BBS and wish to upgrade to the latest release this is usually possible. Refer to the UPGRADE.TXT file contained in the Mystic BBS file archive for the steps you will need to take.
If you learn better by watching someone explain HOW-TO then be sure to check out a growing series of training videos available on the Mystic Guy YouTube channel. While these videos are still helpful, some of them have become outdated with recent versions of Mystic greatly simplifying things like setting up echomail networks.
Before getting started review all of the information on this page. Check out the Mystic Installer Options section for command line options you may prefer to use to run a fresh install and/or update your current Mystic files.
Backup your current Mystic BBS system before you get started!
The installer that ships with Mystic can be run in several modes. Typing Install ? reveals the following help screen:
Syntax: install Begin full installation install auto <root> [options] Automated install to <root> install replace <dir> Replace system files in <dir> with latest install extract <mask> <dir> Extract file or mask into <dir> Examples: install replace c:\mystic install extract userchat* c:\mystic\text install auto c:\mystic install auto c:\mystic overwrite install auto c:\mystic theme=c:\mysticthemes data=c:\mysticdata install auto c:\mystic msgs=c:\mysticmsgs overwrite
Let's review what all those options are:
Run the full interactive installation menu and select from the available options
Run an automated command line install to a directory of your choice
install auto c:\mystic Mystic automated installation Base directory: c:\mystic\ Extracting: Root files Extracting: Data files Extracting: Display files Extracting: Menu files Extracting: Script files Extracting: Documentation Updating data files... Installation complete
If you run this process on a directory where Mystic files already reside the installer will fail.
Mystic automated installation Install directory already exists: c:\mystic
The way to override this is to use the overwrite switch. Be warned this will overwrite the files you have in your target directory. Perhaps take a backup first!
install auto c:\mystic overwrite
During automated install you can also assign specific directories for data, theme, and msgs directories. An example of combining all of those things at once looks like this (less the overwrite keyword):
install auto c:\mystic theme=c:\mysticthemes data=c:\mysticdata msgs=c:\mysticmsgs
Copy new versions of binary files to a nominated directory and overwrite old files. This is good when you are doing some upgrade work. Always follow the guidelines in UPGRADE.TXT
install replace c:\mystic Searching "c:\mystic\" for binaries to replace... Replacing: c:\mystic\data\prompts.dat OK Replacing: c:\mystic\mide.exe OK Replacing: c:\mystic\mis.exe OK Replacing: c:\mystic\mplc.exe OK Replacing: c:\mystic\mutil.exe OK Replacing: c:\mystic\mystic.exe OK Replacing: c:\mystic\nodespy.exe OK Replacing: c:\mystic\qwkpoll.exe OK Replacing: c:\mystic\upgrade.exe OK Operations complete
Extract file or file mask to a nominated directory
install extract userchat* c:\mystic\text Extracting Mask: "userchat* to "c:\mystic\text\" Extracting: c:\mystic\text\userchat.ans OK Extracting: c:\mystic\text\userchat.ini OK Operations complete
If you're setting up a new Mystic BBS system the next step is to create a user account for yourself and grant it system operator (sysop) privileges.
In this section you will create a user account for yourself and then elevate it to have SysOp privileges. The steps to do this are:
Note: If you are using a Linux / Raspberry Pi based system the command lines to invoke the above will look like ./mystic -l and ./mystic -cfg