This option uses the inbuilt Mystic BBS text editor to open and edit allowlist.txt This file allows you to set IP addresses that you wish to always allow a connection to your Mystic BBS servers.
Below is a screenshot of the Mystic editor in action.
File: c:\mystic\data\allowlist.txt ; ALLOWLIST.TXT: IP Address immunity list ; ; This file should have one IP address per line. Each address can be an IPV4 ; or IPV6 address, and can contain wildcards. For example: 127.* would allow ; any IPV4 address that begins with 127 to be immune to any type of IP ; blocking. "014f:*" would whitelist any IPV6 address that starts with 014f:░░░ ;Allow fsxNet HUB 21:1/100 Press ESCAPE for Menu Line 6 of 6