This option allows you to edit the help text sent by Mystic BBS when a netmail addressed to Filefix is received from a Echomail Node that is known to your BBS.
Such Filefix netmails can contain in the body copy of the message a line simply stating %HELP
When Mystic detects such a netmail it will reply with a corresponding netmail with the help information contained in the filefixhelp.txt file. This file can be found in the mystic\data directory.
Here's a screen shot of the editor open.
File: c:\mystic\data\filefixhelp.txt .-------------------------.░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ | Mystic BBS FileFix Help |--------------------------------------------------- `-------------------------' What is FileFix? ---------------- FileFix is an automated response system which provides file networked nodes the ability to "self-service" their configuration. Generally speaking, you will use FileFix to link and unlink file echo areas for export to you. How to use FileFix ------------------ Simply address the message "To" field to "FileFix" and then supply your FileFix password on the subject line for authentication. Each line of the message content should consist of a single command which instructs FileFix to do something. Each command will be processed and a result of that command will be included within a return Netmail response Press ESCAPE for Menu Line 1 of 45