from mystic_bbs import * # Dump contents of a dictionary or list to the screen with # screen pause def dump (obj, linecount): if linecount == 1: textcolor(7) if type(obj) == dict: for k, v in obj.items(): if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): writeln(k) dump(v, linecount) else: writeln ("{} : {}".format(k,v)) linecount = linecount + 1 if linecount == 23: write("|PA|07") elif type(obj) == list: for v in obj: if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): dump(v, linecount) else: writeln ("{}".format(v)) linecount = linecount + 1 if linecount == 23: write("|PA|07") else: writeln("{}".format(obj)) linecount = linecount + 1 if linecount == 23: write("|PA|07") # grab the current user and dump the contents of their user dictionary # This function can be used to dump anything, users, bases, groups, etc writeln("|CL|14Dumping contents of user:|07") user = getuser(0) dump(user, 1)