Echo Node Tracker

The '[EchoNodeTracker]' stanza tasks MUTIL with various HUB-related utilities to automate downlink management. This includes:

Because it relies heavily on a complex configuration, this feature is only available when you are using Mystic for your echomail tossing solution.

To enable this function you modify the '[general]' stanza as follows:


EchoNodeTracker         = true

There are a number of options you can configure for this function.

; Automatically reset the echonode tracking statistics after a specific
; number of days (or 0 to disable)

reset_stats = 0

; Set the number of days of inactivity before an Echomail Node is
; automatically deactivated (or 0 to disable)

inactivity = 0

; When a node is deactivated, should they also be unlinked from all
; subscribed message/file bases?

unlink = false

; When set to TRUE, MUTIL will remove any files or mail packets from the
; node's outbound queue upon deactivation from inactivity

clear_outbound = false

; When Mystic is unable to connect outbound to a node it can automatically
; change their mail type and filebox settings from "Crash" to "Hold" after
; a specific number of outbound connection failures combined with a specific
; number of days of outbound inactivity.  Setting either to 0 will disable
; this feature and both requirements must be met for action to be taken.

crash_errors = 0
crash_days = 0